2011年5月16日 星期一


John Burmingham 的Borka是他的第一本書,上周六到市圖萬華說故事剛好選了這一本書(中文版), 故事中的寶兒讓人憐惜, 雖然聰明的鴨媽咪幫寶兒做了一件毛背心讓寶兒穿,但是種種的不方便,卻讓寶兒終究在學習領域上落後同儕...但是,不怕不怕,Borka長大了,也有了自己的選擇,走上了不同的道路卻也為自己的人生開出不一樣的花朵....It's amazing.

到市圖來的孩子大多是學齡前或是低年級,有時會穿插幾位中高年級,在選故事題材是有時就會增加了一點難度,不過Borka ~"穿背心的野鴨寶兒"這本書內容還蠻能夠cover這些range的, 一來John Burmingham的水彩畫風生動易懂,文字內容清楚表達概念又貼近生活,尤其是寓教於樂,善於以孩子的觀點來描寫人生,常常是大人愛不釋手再轉介書給孩子,我覺得是親子共讀很不錯的選擇~ 其他作品: Grandpa / Mr. Gumpy's Outing/ALDO/Hey, Get out of our train (這一本也很棒喔...下次來介紹一下)敬請期待

2011年5月15日 星期日

Marvin Gets MAD!

Marvin Gets MAD! (provided by 海山國小Terry媽咪)

Look at the Marvin, he is very angry at his good friend Molly. But why? You will never ever thought about that tenderly sheep will grow MAD teeth, MAD horns, MAD feet, and a MAD tail. What a lovely story! I did read some stories talking about "angry" but they are almost "kids" like as "When sophie gets angry", "Angry Arthur" , " Alexander and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day, " Where the wild things are" , now Joseph Theobald gave us a fantastic charactor - Marvin the sheep whose behaviors are more close to the young kids.

Activity: (props: flash cards of fruit and colors)
1. warm up: fruit and colors
1-1.What kind of fruit is red? yellow? brown? green? purple? pink? white?
1-2.What is your favorite fruit? or What fruit do you like to eat?

2. Story telling.

3. Q & A :
3-1 Why Molly eat the Marvin's apple?
3-2 Did Marvin feel angry?
3-3 What happen to Marvin when he gets really, really angry?
3-4 Who found Marvin and lead him back?
3-5 What can you do if you feel angry?

(many different versions, just choose easy one)

Thank you, Terry, this is a interesting book. I like it.

2011年5月10日 星期二

There was an old lady who swallowed a fly


Anyway, 今天孩子在帶領下可以懂的作者的幽默,很棒耶,由於有愛閱讀的導師,能夠讓孩子有機會多接觸不同領域的書,真是孩子的幸福呀....給老師拍拍手!!

Story: There was an old lady who swallowed a fly
props: box, flash card, 疊疊樂

1. Divide Ss into 2 teams and named "Lion" and "Elephant"
2. Ask the frenquence of the old lady swallowed the animals
What animal does the old lady swallow first?
What is next one? (The old lady swallow what animals to catch the...)
3. Choice one S for each team and make "paper, sissors, stone".
The winner can come to front of black board to pick up the animal
and help the old lady to swallow it.
4. Take one piece of 疊疊樂 and put it on the top of the "building".
5. Who destroy the building, team lose.
6. Introduce the same series books of the old lady.
7. Films of different animations or songs (by youtube)
version 1.
version 2.
version 3.

Kids enjoy and hope you enjoy.

2011年5月4日 星期三

My lucky Day

My lucky Day 是本週我在後埔說的story,選擇這本書是因為情有獨鍾,

先show出我的picture book cover page給Ss, then ask Ss "What
animal do you see?" 大部份回答是"小豬與狼"?? 封面上是"狼"wolf嗎?

哈哈哈,很像啦,不是 "Red riding hood" or "Three little pigs"裡的
big bad wolf. It's more like the book "Rosie's walk"或是"Hungry hen"裡頭

一開場, Mr. Fox 一邊開心的磨亮他的爪子,一邊讀著如何獵食好吃的食物
(讀書耶....難怪聰明..)正準備出去獵食晚餐,突然出現的聲音讓Mr. Fox可是

接下來Mr. Fox 不費吹灰之力就將送上門來的小豬豬給它"手到擒來",
Mr. Fox真覺得今天是自己超幸運的"Lucky Day",準備大顯身手一番,

搭配的Activity: (因時間有限,實際操作為精簡版)
1. Q: How to show the words " Good Luck" to your friend with fingers?
A:Cross your "pointer" and "tall man" fingers...and you can do it by
both of your hands that means "double lucky".

2. Bingo game (some papers/number balls 1-15 pick 9 )
Rules : First line ~ S raises hand and calls " I love Ivy."
Second line: ................"I love my mom."
Third line: .................." Bingo!"
p.s. (the rules can be changed by any slogan~ it depends.)

Keiko Kasza 是日本人後來到美國讀書, 有許多插畫家受到Leo Lionni
啟發開始創作的歷程, Keiko Kasza也是欣賞他的 Frederick就喜歡上
繪本並從事業餘的創作.... (也許下一個是你喔??)

Keiko Kasza說當她創作時就把自己當作是書中的角色,有時是找尋媽媽

到孩子的笑聲,我覺得, Keiko Kasza妳真棒....
官網連結,希望你也能認識她~ Keiko Kasza, 她有許多作品都是說故事的

2011年5月2日 星期一

Happy Mother's Day

Dear all mommies,

Here is a book can be introduced to your kids named "Is Your Mama a Llama?"written by Deborah Guarino, illustrated by Steven Kellogg.

Lloyd the llama meets all kinds of animals as he asks his question, until at last his friend Llyn leads Lloyd to the answer he longs to hear! The most interesting part is about matching the mother - baby animals, kids can recongize the baby animals then of course their mothers. I like this book...so sweet...You can almost feel the love from mother's eyes when they hug or look at the babies. Don't miss it in the such great DAY.