2014/09/15-2014/11/03 動態協會英語繪本讀書會共讀書單
2014年8月10日 星期日
Old MacDonald had a wedding
Old MacDonald had a wedding by Ron Berman and illustrated by Brian Gerrity
Old MacDonald had a farm....朗朗上口的歌曲,這一本wedding的書也會讓你愛不釋手,
Little Bo Peep lost her sheep but found her man (當然就是 MacDonald),當兩人牽起了愛的
小手,答案當然是....."E-I-E-I-Oh, yes, yes!"
鵝媽媽,稻草人都來參加了...當然少不了也要牧師證婚一下吧 !Cowboy,cow也要來
Old MacDonald had a farm....朗朗上口的歌曲,這一本wedding的書也會讓你愛不釋手,
Little Bo Peep lost her sheep but found her man (當然就是 MacDonald),當兩人牽起了愛的
小手,答案當然是....."E-I-E-I-Oh, yes, yes!"
鵝媽媽,稻草人都來參加了...當然少不了也要牧師證婚一下吧 !Cowboy,cow也要來
Calvin can't fly
Calvin can't fly by Jennifer Berne and illustrated by Keith Bendie
Calvin was born under the eaves of an old barn with his brothers, sisters and thousands of
cousins. Calvin is total different with the others, he likes reading! He stays at the library all
the time but miss the class of flying. The day they need to moving south, his cousins help
to tide him with string, finally they can go together. The way they went is not quietly, the hurricane
attack everywhere. Calvin warned his family to hide in the cave and keep each one safe.
He is the hero, there was a big party to celebrate for him, finally he learn how to fly~
How cute Calvin the starling is. You will love it.
Calvin was born under the eaves of an old barn with his brothers, sisters and thousands of
cousins. Calvin is total different with the others, he likes reading! He stays at the library all
the time but miss the class of flying. The day they need to moving south, his cousins help
to tide him with string, finally they can go together. The way they went is not quietly, the hurricane
attack everywhere. Calvin warned his family to hide in the cave and keep each one safe.
He is the hero, there was a big party to celebrate for him, finally he learn how to fly~
How cute Calvin the starling is. You will love it.
Snowmen at Christmas
Snowmen at Christmas by Caralyn Buehner pictures by Mark Buehner
Do you know what does the snowmen do at night when you sleep? They are preparing
to celebrate! Including all family and their dogs, they are slipping away to gather in the town
square and have fun.
The snowman Santa Claus will bring his bagful of goodies to the snowmen. This is a very adorable
story with great warmth and humor.
文中提到,喜樂充滿在心中,且眼神閃耀著光芒..... WOW...真棒!!
Do you know what does the snowmen do at night when you sleep? They are preparing
to celebrate! Including all family and their dogs, they are slipping away to gather in the town
square and have fun.
The snowman Santa Claus will bring his bagful of goodies to the snowmen. This is a very adorable
story with great warmth and humor.
文中提到,喜樂充滿在心中,且眼神閃耀著光芒..... WOW...真棒!!
Millie's marvellous hat
Millie's Marvellous Hat by Satoshi Kitamura
欣賞Satoshi Kitamura的書,第一本是What's inside?Alphabet book, 第二本是Stone Age Boy,
欣賞Satoshi Kitamura的書,第一本是What's inside?Alphabet book, 第二本是Stone Age Boy,
這本 Millie's Marvellous Hat 真的非常讓我激賞...我在班上的分享,孩子們的反應非常好,我們談了有關於英國人戴帽子的禮貌,也談了為什麼店員那麼親切的接待沒有錢的Millie,而Millie~這個小女孩(很像小一),自然不做作,因為太喜歡帽子而想要擁有帽子,作者安排了外表看起來冷酷的店員,但事實上,他卻是無比的熱情,隨著小女孩的願望,從無到有,一起運用想像力讓Millie滿足的帶著他的帽子離開...一路上的風景更是精采,許多想像的帽子油然而生,我讓小朋友來找找各式各樣不同的帽子,也讓他們自行想像自己要戴的帽子...歡笑多多~
Five Creatures
Five Creatures by Emily Jenkins pictures by Tomek Bogacki (contents from book)
Five creatures live in our house.
Three humans, and two cats.
Three short, and two tall.
Four grownups, and on child.(That's me!)
Three with orange hair, and two with gray.
Tow with long hair, and three with short.
So begin the lighthearted comparisons of the members of a happy household,
in which each member is distinct but also has something in common with each of the
of the others.
調皮....Emily Jenkins輕鬆的在小孩認知這一塊,來去自如~厲害~
Five creatures live in our house.
Three humans, and two cats.
Three short, and two tall.
Four grownups, and on child.(That's me!)
Three with orange hair, and two with gray.
Tow with long hair, and three with short.
So begin the lighthearted comparisons of the members of a happy household,
in which each member is distinct but also has something in common with each of the
of the others.
調皮....Emily Jenkins輕鬆的在小孩認知這一塊,來去自如~厲害~
The other side o town
The other side of town by Jon Agee (picture by website)
This is a special book! Everything seems reasonable but kind of weird. You have a
regular life everyday and you never doubt it until you meet the guy who comes from
the other side of town.
為什麼提到這個,因為這本書裡,有許多類似的情節,雖然都是在平日熟悉的場景發生,這些理所當然發生在城鎮的另一端可就不一樣了...你要能夠解碼所有與眾不同的"外星話",你才能夠繼續往前走,身為一個計程車司機,怎麼可能會被難倒呢???Jon Agee提出挑戰...當你像一個怪獸般的逃離你不熟悉的地方,回到家後又發現惡夢的延伸....你會如何呢?
This is a special book! Everything seems reasonable but kind of weird. You have a
regular life everyday and you never doubt it until you meet the guy who comes from
the other side of town.
為什麼提到這個,因為這本書裡,有許多類似的情節,雖然都是在平日熟悉的場景發生,這些理所當然發生在城鎮的另一端可就不一樣了...你要能夠解碼所有與眾不同的"外星話",你才能夠繼續往前走,身為一個計程車司機,怎麼可能會被難倒呢???Jon Agee提出挑戰...當你像一個怪獸般的逃離你不熟悉的地方,回到家後又發現惡夢的延伸....你會如何呢?
奇特的封面~ 沒有書名??? |
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