2014年9月19日 星期五

Dog's colorful day

Dog's clorful day   by Emma Dodd

I always like the book from Emma Dodd, the story is simple but the meaning includes a lot.
For younger reader, they can eay to pick the color from this book and Dodd let the story goes smoothly and cheerly. I love the little dog, she is pure and innocent. Whoever left the different color on it. It will never angry at it.  "You need a bath, Dog!" Yes, I think so.

Clark the shark dares to share

Clark the shark dares to share    Bruce Hale/Guy Francis

How to learn "sharing"? It's a little bit hard for Clark the shark after he going through
many situations unexpectec.  He always said " But I was sharing too!" , just because the
meaning of "sharing" is not quite clear from everyone's explantion. Does Clark learn
the real sharing to his classmates and family? I guess so!

2014年8月10日 星期日


2014/09/15-2014/11/03 動態協會英語繪本讀書會共讀書單

Old MacDonald had a wedding

Old MacDonald had a wedding  by Ron Berman and illustrated by Brian Gerrity

Old MacDonald had a farm....朗朗上口的歌曲,這一本wedding的書也會讓你愛不釋手,
Little Bo Peep lost her sheep but found her man (當然就是 MacDonald),當兩人牽起了愛的
小手,答案當然是....."E-I-E-I-Oh, yes, yes!"

鵝媽媽,稻草人都來參加了...當然少不了也要牧師證婚一下吧 !Cowboy,cow也要來

Calvin can't fly

Calvin can't fly   by Jennifer Berne and illustrated by Keith Bendie

Calvin was born under the eaves of an old barn with his brothers, sisters and thousands of
cousins. Calvin is total different with the others, he likes reading! He stays at the library all
the time but miss the class of flying. The day they need to moving south, his cousins help
to tide him with string, finally they can go together.  The way they went is not quietly, the hurricane
attack everywhere. Calvin warned his family to hide in the cave and keep each one safe.

He is the hero, there was a big party to celebrate for him, finally he learn how to fly~

How cute Calvin the starling is. You will love it.

Snowmen at Christmas

Snowmen at Christmas   by Caralyn Buehner  pictures by Mark Buehner

Do you know what does the snowmen do at night when you sleep? They are preparing
to celebrate! Including all family and their dogs, they are slipping away to gather in the town
square and have fun.

The snowman Santa Claus will bring his bagful of goodies to the snowmen. This is a very adorable
story with great warmth and humor.

文中提到,喜樂充滿在心中,且眼神閃耀著光芒..... WOW...真棒!!

Millie's marvellous hat

Millie's Marvellous Hat  by Satoshi Kitamura


欣賞Satoshi Kitamura的書,第一本是What's inside?Alphabet book, 第二本是Stone Age Boy,

這本 Millie's Marvellous Hat 真的非常讓我激賞...我在班上的分享,孩子們的反應非常好,我們談了有關於英國人戴帽子的禮貌,也談了為什麼店員那麼親切的接待沒有錢的Millie,而Millie~這個小女孩(很像小一),自然不做作,因為太喜歡帽子而想要擁有帽子,作者安排了外表看起來冷酷的店員,但事實上,他卻是無比的熱情,隨著小女孩的願望,從無到有,一起運用想像力讓Millie滿足的帶著他的帽子離開...一路上的風景更是精采,許多想像的帽子油然而生,我讓小朋友來找找各式各樣不同的帽子,也讓他們自行想像自己要戴的帽子...歡笑多多~

Five Creatures

Five Creatures by Emily Jenkins  pictures by Tomek Bogacki  (contents from book)

Five creatures live in our house.
Three humans, and two cats.

Three short, and two tall.
Four grownups, and on child.(That's me!)

Three with orange hair, and two with gray.
Tow with long hair, and three with short.

So begin the lighthearted comparisons of the members of a happy household,
in which each member is distinct but also has something in common with each of the
of the others.


調皮....Emily Jenkins輕鬆的在小孩認知這一塊,來去自如~厲害~

The other side o town

The other side of town by Jon Agee  (picture by website)

This is a special book! Everything seems reasonable but kind of weird. You have a
regular life everyday and you never doubt it until you meet the guy who comes from
the other side of town.



為什麼提到這個,因為這本書裡,有許多類似的情節,雖然都是在平日熟悉的場景發生,這些理所當然發生在城鎮的另一端可就不一樣了...你要能夠解碼所有與眾不同的"外星話",你才能夠繼續往前走,身為一個計程車司機,怎麼可能會被難倒呢???Jon Agee提出挑戰...當你像一個怪獸般的逃離你不熟悉的地方,回到家後又發現惡夢的延伸....你會如何呢?

奇特的封面~ 沒有書名???

2014年1月6日 星期一


Pezzettino   by Leo Lionni

Again, I like to introduce this book "Pezzettino" by Leo Lionni.

Pezzettino lives in a world in which everyone is big and does daring and
wonderful things. But he is small, just a "little piece," which is the meaning
of pezzettino in Italian. I must be a piece of somebody else. I must belong to
someone else, he thinks, and one day he decides to find out.

How Pezzettino learns that he belongs to no one but himself is the joyous and
satisfying conclusion to this beautiful picture book. Using collage and small,
colorful squares, Leo Lionni has created a delightfully graphic fable that
captures all the longing of a small child in a world of big people.

就是那最重要的部分,一但我們能夠將自己settle down,就能擁有最正面的

Mr Big

Mr Big   by Ed Vere

"Let me tell you a story about a friend of mine, he goes by the name of BIG...
Mr Big.  Now Mr Big had a small problem. Compared to everyone else, he was extremely...

外表魁武,人見人怕...Mr Big is always alone everywhere, cafe shop, swimming pool.....
lonesome is inside his heart, no one wants to know the "real" Mr Big. All they know is
just the size.

Until the music changes everything and people start to listen his music by piano, that is so
warm, beautiful and touchable sound.  "Who is the player?"

An invitation sent to Mr Big, there is a band wants him to participate the group, will Mr Big
go to join them or not?

THe boy who lost his bellybutton

THe boy who lost his bellybutton  by Jeanne Willis  Tony Ross


Little Brown Bushrat

Little Brown Bushrat by Georgie Ripper

A lot of animals they group together and talk loudly. They were busy discussing what it
was that each of them did best.

"I am by far the most beautiful" said lyrebird
"I can jump higher that anyone else" said kangaroo
"I can hang upside down by my tail" said the possum
"I can run the fastest" who is that?  Yes, -> emu

Bushrat was amazed. He couldn't run very fast, or jump very well, despite what his
mother said, he didn't think he was very beautiful.  He was also pretty sure that if
he tried to hang upside down by this tail, something very nasty would happen.

The rainbow lorikeet was the most colourful.
The duck-billed platypus was the best swimmer.
The echidna had the best nose for miles around.
Even the lazy koala could sleep for longer than anyone else.

What is the bushrat good at??? He asked himself. Nothing!!!  Is it real? Suddenly,
the wompoo fruit dove come bursting into the clearing. "Fire!" she squawked...
Everyone was silent......and PANIC!...How the bushrat save everyone with his wisedom?

You will never want to miss the part.....

What game shall we play?

What game shall we play?    by Pat Hutchins

 "Hide and Seek" that is always the most interesting game for all toddlers and
young kids, There are many animals hid in Hatchins' picture book. They enjoy
to find the animals again and again based on the clues author left.

I'm also the fan of Hutchins, the famous book people known should be the
book "Rosie's Walk". Look the eyes of her animals and you can find they
all look back you. Amazing.

2014年1月5日 星期日

Nicolas, where have you been?

Nicolas, where have you been?      by Leo Lionni 

 (words from the book)
(pictures from website)

While hunting for sweet red berries, Nicolas Mouse is snatched
up and carried away by a big ugly bird. But that is only the beginning
of Nicolas's remarkable adventure.
Days later, when he returns home and begins telling his mice friends
what happened to him, they interrupt his story, shouting, "Down with
the birds! War on the birds!" Nicolas shouts back, " Let me finish!"
And when he does, they all agree with Uncle Raymond Mouse that
"one" bad bird doesn't make flock."

Four-time Caldecott Honor Book author-artist Leo Lionni has created
 a fable that children will want to hear again and again, and one with
 special meaning today. As the Horn Book Magazine wrote, "Nicolas,
Where Have You Been? is a fine, cheerful example of an ethical,
philosophical idea cast as a dightful  picture book.



 I love Leo Lionni, he is amazing and he just know how kid's thought and 
can give all imagainations into the charactors of the books preciselly.


2013年12月13日 星期五

Smelly Peter

Smelly Peter                     (picture by website)
The Great Pea Eater       

by Steve Smallman                                       
illustrated by Joelle Dreidemy

Young Perter Pod is a little bit odd. He eats nothing but peas.
Then one morning, Peter turns green-and he can't stop tooting!

His classmates tease him, but some aliens spot Peter and make
him their king! On the planet of Krell, Peter is loved for being
green and incredibly farty.  The only problem is the planet lacks
peas, and Peter is slowly turning pink and smelling sweeter.....

That's ok beacasue Peter is missing his mom and dad. One problem
is he doesn't like peas again, he likes to eat baked beans..........and
that smell really......

I like the books "Eat your peas" and "I will never eat the tomato"(??),
but this book warning me that don't eat one kind of particular food
too much, right? I don't want to turn to green (I love durian) !

Chicks and Salsa

Chicks and Salsa      (picture by website)
by Aaron Reynolds    illustrated by Paulette Bogan

The chickens are tired of eating the same thing every day, and the
rooster knows only one thing can stop their grumbling...a FIESTA!

The only man in the hen house is rooster.  Can he solve the problem
with new recipe for all hens and chicks??? Yes, the rooster watched
TV cooking show, oh...no...no...not the rooster, actually is
Mrs. Nuthatcher, the farmer's wife but the rooster was perched on a
fence post outside the farmhouse window when he discovered the
solution to his problem.....SALSA!!

Do you like SALSA??? I love it. I remembered that I tasted it in USA
serveral times. I like the fresh tomatoes, onions....And, the chickens
also love their new food. Hooray!
Then, the same problem was happened in duck pond.....the ducks
decide they wer tired of fish.....and the rooster encouraged them....
Next will be the pigs.....

Hahaha....So funny,  is there any other animal tired of the regular food?
Find the rooster, he will help!

The fish who could wish

The fish who could wish   (picture by website)
by John Bush & Korky Paul

In the deep blue sea,
In the deep of the blue,
Swam a fish who could wish,
And each wish would come true.

He wished for a castle,
  He wished for a car,
But one day he wished
Just a little too far......

Want to know what wish he made? I bet  you will never get his thought!!!!!
What a silly fish!
You must read it!

Little brown bushrat

Little brown bushrat   by Georgie Ripper   (picture from website)

The story was happened in Australia, here a little brown bushrat
made his way home. On the way, he came across a group of animals
talking loudly. they were busy discussing what it was that each of them
did best.

"I am by far the most beautiful," said the lyrebird and he displayed his tail...
"I can jump higher than anyone else," said the kangaroo....
"I can hang upside down by my tail,", said the possum and they all agreed....
"Well, I can run the fastest,' said the emu....
Bushrat was amazed. He couldn't run very fast, or jump well and despite what
his mother said, he didn't think he was very beautiful....
He was wandering sadly off into the bush when suddenly he heard a commotion
behind him.....Fire! the wompoo fruit dove come bursting into the clearing"Fire!"
she squawked....Everyone was silent....PANIC!.....what will happen next to this
bushrat??????read the book by yourself....
Surprise ending.

Please say please

Please say please!  Penguin's Guide to Manners
by Margery Cuyler   illustrated by Will Hillenbrand   (from website)

When friends are invited to Penguin's house for dinner,
1. They should barge right in without knocking......LET'S EAT
     -> Is that right?
    No....they should knock first, wait until Penguin opens the door
    and say "Hello"....

2.When a pig comes to the table, he should wipe his muddy hooves on
    the tablecloth........Oh, Yuck!
     -> Is that right?
    No....that's wrong.
    When a pig comes to the table, he should wash his hooves first until
    they are squeaky clean.

See, are they all you kids manner on the table? I guess not, but this is
really a nice book to teach our little friend how to act correctly when
you visti someone in someday. Nice pictures, nice story.
I like it.


The copy crocs

The copy crocs  by David Bedford / Emily Bolam   (picture from website)

Crocodile knows how to have a Good Time; he's always thinking
of fun things to do.  But he gets tired of all of the other crocs following
him around and copying whatever he does.  They bash into him in
the pool, crowd him when sunbathes, and squeeze onto his mountain.

Can he ever escape the copy crocs? And if he does, will he still have fun?


"Why do you keep copying me?"   - Crocodile shouted.
"Because you're always doing new, fun things," said the other crocs.
"Anyway, we can sit here if we want. It's not YOUR mountain."


A pair of socks

A pair of socks   by Stuart J. Murphy    illustrated by Lois Ehlert

由鼎鼎大名的Lois Ehlert 所畫的圖,色彩線條十足~

I'll never be worn.
It doesn't seem fair.
I'm missing my match-
I'm not part of a pair.
還有match game可以玩,也可以自己準備2堆襪子,讓小朋友來配對囉!!!

2013年12月1日 星期日

The cow that laid an egg

"The cow that laid an egg"~ Any Cutbill   illustrated by Russell Ayto

WHAT? Don't worry about it. It is just a rumor between the farm animals
 but check out Marjorie who is an insecure cow and she wishes she had some
 special talent.  She can't ride a bicycle or do handstands liket the others.
Then One  morning (thanks to a bunch of scheming chickens and
paintbrush), Marjorie is astonished to discover something extraordinary:
She's lad an egg! But does the baby inside the egg really belong to Marjorie?
Emotions run high in the farmyard as everyone waits to find out. (from book)

Next time, when you her a goat or a sheep laid an egg, don't surprise!

Take care of the baby,


Do you like Hippos? If you do, that's wonderful! Here I have a question
for you! Can you reconize the diffent between Hippo and Rhino???
Think befor you Answer!! Ha, this story is quite interesting and I like to
share with you.

Hippo by Jeff Newman (picture from website)

One day, the zookeeper gives Rhino the wrong sign "Hippo"! Read this
book to find out what happens next!

Here come many visitors to see the Rhino....oh....no...no....that sign said
"Hippo", then every visitor called the Rhino:" Hippo", you could image how
angry the Rhino was and nobody cares. Even the little bird tried to help but
still useless. There was a smart boy who knew the wrong sign and he change it
into a correct one. He is the hero, he saved Rhino.....Hurry~

But, the other side, for hippo's sign is................."Porcupine"...........oh...no!!

Oh, my God....again???

2013年5月8日 星期三


Snow  by Uri Shulevitz  ~ Caldecott Honor book (siliver)


The dot

The dot by Peter H Reynolds 

"Just make a mark and see where it takes you" Vashti says she can't draw.
Here teacher thinks she can. She knows that there's a creative spirit in
everyone, and where there's a dot, there's a way....

"A wonderfully liberating book....The small line drawings, set in clear white
space, covey everything they need to say with the utmost simplicity." the Guardian

I like the little girl, her face is from red to normal, it means she is very angry in the
very beginning but after the teacher shows her dot on the wall....everything different..
very different....and something change! I have to say the teacher is the key and the
girl is lucky to have the teacher!!

The magic rabbit

The magic rabbit by Richard Jesse Jatson

What's in the hat? Hat-and his own imagination. Presto! He makes frog jump, mice
scurry, and a flutter of birds fly up into the sky.

One surprise leads to another, until finally, it's the best trick ever....Finding a friend to
share your adventures is the greatest magic of all~

Friends are always important!!!

A new house for mouse

A new house for mouse  by Petr Horacek (by website)

How can mouse fit a huge apple into her tiny home?
By finding a new house, of course!

Peep through the holes and join her on her search.

It's a peep-through story book. People like to peep, but the little mouse is very polite to
ask the animal who lived in the hole: " I'm looking for a bigger house for me and my
apple. Can I live here with you?"  He always failed to find a new hole but still very
patient to say thanks for the hole ower.



Leo the Late Bloomer

Leo the Late Bloomer  by Robert Kraus/Jose Aruego (from website)

Leo couldn't do anything right. He couldn't read or write. He couldn't draw.
And he was a sloopy eater. Every day and every night Leo's father watched
him for sihgs of blooming.
"Are you sure Leo's a bloomer?" asked Leo's father.
"Patience," said Leo's mother.
The on day, in his own good time- Leo bloomed!


The moral is : The father is always without patience......(just kidding)

Dumpy La Rue

Dumpy La Rue by Elizabeth Winthrop/ Betsy Lewin (picture by website)

Dumpy? What animal can be called "dumpy"? hipo? elephant? pig?
No doubt, it is a pig.

也來加入囉!!!! 這本書與Giraffe can't dance!有著很相像的味道~很不錯的啦!!

2013年3月8日 星期五

The wonderful house

Margaret Wise Brown (1910-1952)

The wonderful house

Who lives here? And who lives there? But what is that flying through the air?

Margret and J.P. Miller take us on a wonderful adventure, where we discover the homes of all sorts of creatures. Children will delight in guessing where each animal lives before discovering who lives in the most wonderful house of all.

First published in 1950 as a Little Golden Book, The Wonderful House is now in print for the first time in a generous size. J. P. Miller's colorful, imaginative illustrations, recently discovered in the Golden Books archives, will cqaptivate a new generation of readers.

You will find the bee, snail, chicks and hen, horse....turtle, birds...lion, dog, frog...hippo their own homes, it's really funny and good for kids to read.


What's that noise?

by Mary Roennfeldt / illustrated by Robert Roennfeldt

上學途中與森林迷藏王,遲到大王有異曲同工之妙的故事書, 可愛的動物就藏在樹叢中,但是我很好奇的是這個管理員既然是聽到了奇怪的聲音而從床上爬起來"視察一番"但怎麼都沒有"張開"眼睛呢???讀者的眼睛應該都focus在後面的各種動物,眼睛估溜估溜的看著管理員,只見受驚嚇的小貓在樹叢中驚慌的跳來跳去,但是管理員始終沒有發現調皮的動物們.....只管帶著受驚嚇的小貓咪回家去...直到天亮後,管理員到了動物園裡還搞不清楚半夜中的吵鬧聲到底是甚麼呢????不過,動物們可是知道得清清楚楚呢@@@@哈哈哈,真糗!
(找不到圖片耶@, sorry!)

Kitten's First Full Moon

by Kevin Henkes

Kevin設計的版面非常有趣, 大大月亮在封面就留下了伏筆,貓咪舔著腳,無辜的眼神令人憐惜,蝴蝶頁也巧妙的安排了滿滿的月餅...不是啦,是月亮!

月亮就像一碗香甜的牛奶誘惑著小貓咪,隨著小貓咪追逐著月亮,卻一不小心就摔下樓梯,但是小貓不灰心,爬上樹稍撈一撈,仍然無功而返,作者一句 Poor Kitten! What could she do? 一轉折,作者馬上為無助的小貓找到了出處,小貓又有了新發現,可惜呀...Poor Kitten! She was wet sad and tired and hungry.看著小貓無辜的眼神,好想幫她一把,直接倒一碗牛奶給她呢....終於,小貓望著月亮好像想通了......."平安回家最好!"呼應著莫里斯桑達克大師的大作"野獸國"中,媽媽也準備了熱呼呼的晚餐等待回家的家人呢!!!Lucky Kitten!