2012年3月13日 星期二




A1. Fri    海山204
A2: Wed 海山百合班
A3:Fri     海高月亮班
A4:Thur  海山513

B1. Tue  新北市圖少年小說/繪本創意活動課
B2. Tue  英文查經
B3. Thur 禮茿英語繪本課

C1. Mon 天母婦女中心 親子閱讀
C2. Thur 爾雅讀書會 (隔2周)

D1. 新北市政風處推廣閱讀
D2. 重慶國小讀書會
D3. 英閱會讀書會salon

2012年3月12日 星期一

pigs can't fly

Pigs can't fly    by Ben Cort 



至於活動的設計,我想可以利用動物的特徵及特長來發揮喔....待我努力的發想在上 傳囉!!

Madeline at the White House

Story and pictures by John Bemelmans Marciano (摘要取自內書頁介紹)

Do you hear about the story of Madeline? Today, she will visit a very special place out of her country with the other 11 girls. Where is it? Guess!

Madeline and friends are off to enjoy a wonderful American adventure. The White House in Washington, D.C., is their destination, where they are the guests of he president's lonely only daughter for the annual Easter Egg Roll. Cake and ice cream, dress-up game, and scary stories told in the dark are capped off by a magical nighttime tour of the capital's most famous landmarks, before it's time for the twelve little girls in two straight lines to say, "Au revoir", America!"

Madeline與其他11位小女孩一起出國拜訪美國總統的女兒,一位總是孤單的在白宮裡上課或是玩耍的小女孩Candle...but Madeline帶來了驚喜!"一隻可愛的兔子"加入了她們的假期~接下來的Easter celebration可是超級棒的~不論是找蛋的遊戲還是好吃的冰淇淋派,巧克力蛋糕....wow!讓每個人都吃到要鬧肚子啦...

最後一夜Madeline與Candle在房裡大開party,玩變裝遊戲或是玩玩撲克牌,恐怖遊戲等等....但是分離的時刻總是要到來,Candle不捨Madeline離開,魔術師小兔子施魔法,櫻花花瓣載大家,飛到美麗星空下,直到太陽來報到~Madeline與Candel趕快回到家,因為保鑣和修女找不到她們,急得已快瘋啦!!原來她們一起在Madeline的床上睡著啦!! (全文讀起來也是押韻的喔~Ivy試著在最後一段文中使用韻文方式呈現)希望好朋友們喜歡呀! (picture by website)
Madeline at the White House

2012年3月11日 星期日

Froggy's Halloween

Every kid likes Halloween! Specially the froggy who should be super frog, faster than a dragonfly, stronger than a bullfrog......Halloween meant candy, but it also meant dressing up. Froggy wondered,"What should I be for Halloween?"


Froggy的系列書很多,這本Froggy's Halloween,說出了小朋友期待Halloween的心情,
每個人都想要精心的打扮好成為同學羨慕的焦點.....當然也可以要到最多的糖果呀~Froggy最後到底打扮要比牛蛙強壯還要能飛的夠高的? 到底是甚麼呢??
Froggy`s Halloween (點選看原圖)

2012年3月7日 星期三

Pete's a pizza

Ha, I like the story told about recipe or food, here is the one! Pete's a pizza~ I like the idea from Pete's father, he is such humorous, not only cheered the boy up and they had a wonderful funny time together, specially in rainy day.

Last Friday, I introduced this book to 海高附幼...and the activities were recorded as below:
1. warm up: Recognize the shapes, circle, triangle, rectangle, diamond, square, heart and oval.
You can play a lot shape games with body movements, like as "Who can make a circle by your body parts? You will find their creations, they can use fingers, palms or legs to do it.

2. story: Discussed the different type, shapes, favor, ingredients of  pizza. Then, tell the story. I ask Ss to help father roll the dough. right and left, up  and own, hard and soft...then put what they ordered fruit, vegetable, meat, ham or seafood and then put it into the oven and shared to everyone.

3. game: Pizza rolling challenge  ~ boys & girls
    2 Ss as a team, 1 is the dough and the other is the cook, then the cook must roll  
    the dough on the floor.....see which dough is rolling fast than the other.

You can see everyone try very hard to roll on the floor without pushing to win the game....Finally~the winner is boys team....Congulations! I know, they love the story~

Here is the contents from Youtub for reference~ (all from website)
1.Pete’s a pizza
2.Pizza song

和您的寶貝來玩--Let’s make a pizza
1.Find a dough (pretend some in you hand)
2.Roll it
3.Put into some water, salt
4.Roll it and race it.
5.Make a pizza. (put anything your kid wants)

The perfect nest

Oh, my~ 今天可是海小百合班搬家後第一次說故事, 我特別選了一本跟"家"有關的英語繪本"The perfect nest" Catherine Friend, illustrated by John Manders.別具意義喔!!

The perfect nest 顧名思義即知是某種"鳥or家禽"最理想的家=巢nest.......but這可是由不懷好意的貓-Jack所辛苦打造與裝潢~有非常舒適的稻草及軟墊加上七彩的燈泡點綴,不消說一定會吸引眾多禽鳥前來一探究竟的,但是到底Jack為什麼會這樣好心的幫禽鳥們打造美麗的家呢????是不是有甚麼壞主意呢?故事中,母雞首先出現了,覺得很不錯,住下來生了個小雞蛋...誰知母鴨也來了,這麼棒的家誰不愛呀,她也要住下來,把母雞推出去,生下個中鴨蛋......最後鵝媽媽也聞風而至,太美妙了,我也要住下來,把母鴨給踢下去..生了個大鵝蛋....大家都爭先恐後想要佔上風~Jack想了想~壞了...我本來是想要拿蛋來作歐姆蛋早餐,午餐還有晚餐...我該怎麼辦才可以把他們都趕走呀???傑克到底會使出甚麼計策才能拿到蛋呢?後續又會有甚麼發展呢??

(picture by website)