2012年11月13日 星期二

What's a penguin to think when he turns Pink!

What's a penguin to think when he turns Pink!
( by Lynne Rickards / illustrated by Margaret Chamberlain)

打開糊貼頁,所有的小企鵝都出來跟你打招呼囉....最最顯眼的是一隻粉紅色企鵝Patrick!!沒聽錯,它就是粉紅色,說穿了,它也不是自己愛變成跟大家不一樣的,但....某日一覺醒來,小企鵝Patrick就"變身"了???但是媽咪可是處變不驚呢,還告訴Patrick說,Dr. Black will soon sort you out.
But Dr. Black 翻遍了所有醫書,只找到了受凍的企鵝該是blue, 如果是queasy嘔吐的話,你該變成green!就是沒找到為什麼Patrick會變成pink......還安慰他,你會慢慢習慣的啦....(講什麼瘋話??)我!
Patrick可是個boy!!!! And BOYS CAN'T BE PINK!!
一場安慰的戲碼隨之開演,爸爸安慰Patrick, "Famingos are pink, just like you.", but Patrick還是不死心的問:"Are some of them boys?" 這些是無法讓Patrick免除同學的嘲笑....他決定他要去非洲拜訪Flamingos....於是展開他的冒險之旅...
經過了7天7夜,強壯的Patrick終於游到了較溫暖的海域,第8天Patrick抵達了海岸邊,數以百計的Flamingos....they had long necks and spindly legs and were very very tall. "Will you join us for lunch?" "Oh, yes, thank you! he cried.  But Patrick's beak was quite the wrong shape, so he came up coughting and spluttering. Poor Patrick would have to go hungry. Then Patrick like to stand on one leg and tucked his head down. But he failed. He was hopeless!!
Patrick decided to go home since he didn't belong here. He swam and swam until the water felt cold again.
Patrick回學校後意外成為大家注目的焦點!!Why??因為他可以分享他的旅遊及經歷,而他的朋友個個都羨慕不已呢!!再也沒有人關注Pink這件事情囉~ So sweet story!

