by Steve Smallman
illustrated by Joelle Dreidemy
Young Perter Pod is a little bit odd. He eats nothing but peas.
Then one morning, Peter turns green-and he can't stop tooting!
His classmates tease him, but some aliens spot Peter and make
him their king! On the planet of Krell, Peter is loved for being
green and incredibly farty. The only problem is the planet lacks
peas, and Peter is slowly turning pink and smelling sweeter.....
That's ok beacasue Peter is missing his mom and dad. One problem
is he doesn't like peas again, he likes to eat baked beans..........and
that smell really......
I like the books "Eat your peas" and "I will never eat the tomato"(??),
but this book warning me that don't eat one kind of particular food
too much, right? I don't want to turn to green (I love durian) !