Remember the most popular books "Not A Stick", "Not A Box" and I told you I will show you guys the newest book from Antoinette Portis. Here it is!! " A Penguin Story" talking about Edna the penguin knows only the three colors that surround her, white ice, black night, and blue sea. She is convinced there is something more out there. So she sets out on a quest......a quest for color. When she finally finds what she's been looking for, it is everything she hoped for and more. But does that mean she will ever stop looking?
(picture by website/book)
White, thinks Edna. Like yesterday.
Black. Like tomorrow.
Blue, blue, blue. Forever
"There is white ice for sliding," says Edna.
"There is black night for seeing stars.
There is blue sea for hunting fish.
But there must be something else."
Look at the little penguin, she is trying hard to find something different with daily life. Good job!!