encourage kids to create themselves' particular crazy ideas.
(picture from website)
Swimmy by Leo Lioni: Swimmy and his friends learn that teamwork works!
Make a bulletin board display entitled “Fishing for Teamwork” and post photographs (with captions) of children engaged in everyday teamwork activities.
Examples: cleaning up block area together, carrying a tub of sand, sharing play-dough, etc. You’ll find that as you start to highlight teamwork, the children will bring instances of teamwork to your attention so that you can put it on the bulletin board.
Or, cut out 5 different color paper or fabric of fish (pink, red, green, blue, yellow fish)
Or, chant is also attractive~
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (count numbers and clap hands)
I got a fish alive.
6,7,8,9,10 (count numbers and clap hands)
But I let it go again !