或是奇遇,知名作家的繪本如英國超現實派插畫家Anthony Browne
安東尼布朗的"The tunnel", 日本林明子的"森林迷藏王", 英國John
Burningham約翰伯明罕的"The boy who was always late"都有好
許多的冒險及趣味,當然我今天介紹給小朋友的"On the way home"
by Jill Murphy可是讓我相當有"fu"的呢~
Story : On the way home by Jill Murphy
Claire had a bad knee cause she fell down from swing when
she played in the playground but she met some friends one after
one, she told them not only one version interesting story but also
many kinds of different fantastic adventures. (We knew that were
all her imaginations, kids love them.)
1. Preview the cover page, teach the animal's name/sound
Do/copy the actions.....
2. Practice the Q&A :
Q: "What do you see in the picture?
A: "I see a/an _____(animal's name or....)
If the kids speak English well, you can ask single S to come
in front of book and point out what he saw then all Ss ask
the Q, the single S answers and do the action.
(or make the sound). If they were not, you can make Q then
Ss make A.
3. Don't forget to create a gesture for Claire of the word "Well~~~~" When I said that, all kids knew that another funny animal would be shown up and they liked to copy my prounciation of it.
甘巴爹....米那桑, Enjoy the story...oh...no, the adventures.
P.S. Jill Murphy's great books
The worst witch series
大象家族~ A piece of cake Five mintues' peace A quite night in
