這是我一本我強力推薦的繪本,畫面鮮明,故是節奏穩定,小朋友一下子就融入非洲大草原中跟著monkey, giraffe, elephant... 動物一起偷偷的叼走小女孩Handa 辛苦準備要去看好朋友Akeyo 的水果籃中的各種水果....小女孩都沒有注意到耶?小朋友會問這是為什麼呢??原來Handa一直在想"Akeyo會喜歡那一種水果呢?"
Handa's surprise (by Eileen Browne )
1. Story Telling
2. Review animal and fruit names
3. Game: Matching game (make a big bingo board and stuck on pictures)
Game: Who is fast? (some plastic fruit props/big paper plate)
Divid Ss into 4 teams, put the paper plate on Ss head then racing.
Kids love it. Wonderful~
4. Here is the film for it. Enjoy! (Handa's surprise)