2012年12月13日 星期四

A Sick Day for Amos McGee

A Sick Day for Amos McGee   by Philip c. Stead / illustrated by Erin E. Stead

Amos McGee, a friendly zookeeper, always made time to visit his goodfriends: the elephant, the tortoise, the peguin, the rhinoceros, and the owl.

But on day-"Ah-choo!"-- he woke up with the sniffles and the sneezes. Though he didn't make it into the zoo that day, he did receive some unexpected guests....

Philip Stead's gently humorous tale of friendship and dedication is illustrated by his wife Erin Stead's elegant drawings, embellished with subtle hints of color. (winner of the 2011 Caldecott Medal) ~ picked up from the book.


Dozy Mare

Dozy Mare  by Jeanne Willis / Tony Ross

You can stand still without any move like the dozy mare. But she isn't really dozy, she just like the freedom. Sometimes we asked our kids to do something and they just stay in their rooms and do nothing! Perhaps what they really need is freedom too?

2012年11月19日 星期一

Bigh Smelly Bear

Britta Teckentrup has  written so many interesting books for children and I introduced one copy before "Grumpy Cat", did you read it?

"Big Smelly Bear", there was a big bear who never washed even took any bath.  Big Smelly Bear was followed by a big smelly stink wherever he went. Flies buzzed all around him. Big Smelly Bear wanted to have a friend but who could stand the smelly bear?
Here is the surprise for a kind bear showing up, she can help the Big Smelly Bear to stop his itehes but she asked the Smelly bear to take a bath!!! "What?" "A bath!" Of coures, our Big bear will rather itch to die! They are arguing for a while then who's the winner? Guess!!!

Easy and warm story for kids easy to understand the frindship and the benefits for taking bathes.

2012年11月13日 星期二

What's a penguin to think when he turns Pink!

What's a penguin to think when he turns Pink!
( by Lynne Rickards / illustrated by Margaret Chamberlain)

打開糊貼頁,所有的小企鵝都出來跟你打招呼囉....最最顯眼的是一隻粉紅色企鵝Patrick!!沒聽錯,它就是粉紅色,說穿了,它也不是自己愛變成跟大家不一樣的,但....某日一覺醒來,小企鵝Patrick就"變身"了???但是媽咪可是處變不驚呢,還告訴Patrick說,Dr. Black will soon sort you out.
But Dr. Black 翻遍了所有醫書,只找到了受凍的企鵝該是blue, 如果是queasy嘔吐的話,你該變成green!就是沒找到為什麼Patrick會變成pink......還安慰他,你會慢慢習慣的啦....(講什麼瘋話??)我!
Patrick可是個boy!!!! And BOYS CAN'T BE PINK!!
一場安慰的戲碼隨之開演,爸爸安慰Patrick, "Famingos are pink, just like you.", but Patrick還是不死心的問:"Are some of them boys?" 這些是無法讓Patrick免除同學的嘲笑....他決定他要去非洲拜訪Flamingos....於是展開他的冒險之旅...
經過了7天7夜,強壯的Patrick終於游到了較溫暖的海域,第8天Patrick抵達了海岸邊,數以百計的Flamingos....they had long necks and spindly legs and were very very tall. "Will you join us for lunch?" "Oh, yes, thank you! he cried.  But Patrick's beak was quite the wrong shape, so he came up coughting and spluttering. Poor Patrick would have to go hungry. Then Patrick like to stand on one leg and tucked his head down. But he failed. He was hopeless!!
Patrick decided to go home since he didn't belong here. He swam and swam until the water felt cold again.
Patrick回學校後意外成為大家注目的焦點!!Why??因為他可以分享他的旅遊及經歷,而他的朋友個個都羨慕不已呢!!再也沒有人關注Pink這件事情囉~ So sweet story!

About Snowmen

Have you ever seen a snowman at night?  Through this book, Caralyn Buehner will take you to visit the snowmen at night.

Snowmen at night     Caralyn Buehner and picture by Mark Buehner

A little boy looked at his snowman and wonder if there was something different when he made yesterday?? Then maybe the snowman has his very own work at night? Maybe they start to slide off the lawn and down the street---right into the park. Maybe they gather in a circle while they wait for all the others, sipping cups of ice-cold cocoa, made by snowman mothers. Then they line up in their places, each one anxious for his turn in the snowman races.....Maybe they gather up their snowballs, the pitcher takes his aim and underneath the moonlit sky they play a baseball game. And the world's best snowball fight will start! So if you found your snowman lost his height, it must be have a good time at night!!
I like to see the movements of snowmen, they laugh, play, line up.....smile and have a fun...
What a wonderful snowmen party at night!

Silly Little Goose

Silly Little Goose by Nancy Tafuri

Do you know the animals live in different place in the farm?
hen, duck, goose : coop or chicken house (for 2 feet)
sheep: sheep-pen
pig : pig yard (pigsty)

There are still farmhouse, barn, garden, field, tool shed, pond....

One day, there was a  mother goose want to make a nest, she was looking forward for
someplace nice and warm. Guess what?  "Oink, Oink!"She picked up the pigsty!!!
 Oh, No! She found someplace nice and soft.  " Mew, Mew"Oh, No! That's kitten's home.
Maybe she could find someplace nice and quiet. "BAAA!" Oh, Silly Littly Goose,
that's sheep-pen.....how about someplace nice and cozy....."cheep, cheep! cluck, cluck!",
it's chicken house.

1. animal's sound learning
2. Q&A
    2-1  Where is the first time the mother goose as her nest?
    2-2  Why the mother goose need to find a place to make a nest?
    2-3  What kind of conditions does the nest need for ?3
3. Matching game:
animal picture / sound word (oink..BAAA...)

Fidgety Fish

Fidgety Fish  by Ruth Galloway

The fish has a happy smile on his face but he was always fidgeting. His mom asked to go out into the sea and swim till he is exhausted but watch out for the big fish!!

Tiddler never listen up to their mom, like as nimo, remember his father told him not to close to the human's ship but he was still curious about all kind of new things then....he got caught by a man...

The main character Tiddler was just forgot what his mom told him. He was quite busy to dive and flip, to leap and dip.....He sped faster than a rocket....He still didn't feel tired!

It's really like to talking about kids with enerage to play all day long and never tired! Suddenly, a big fish swallowed him, how can he escape from the tummy? Haha....that is the best part....and I will not tell you....

A dog needs a bone!

A dog needs a bone!    story and pictures by Audrey Wood          Mitress, Kind mistress, please give me a bone, and I'll stay by your side, no more will I roam.  A wheat bone, a treat bone, a toy bone, a squeak bone... and old one, a new one, I simply must have something to chew on!  Will my mistress PLEASE give me a bone? I'll sweep your floors. I'll answer your phone. I'll treat you like a queen on a throne.  I'll never chase cats, or howl at the moon, or dig up your flowers in the hot afternoon, or play with the paper in your pink powder room.  If my mistress will PLEASE give me a bone! OH, NO! Where did she go? My mistress has left me. I'm sad and alone. What will I do when she is not home? I know....I'll snuggle the scarf she dropped on the floor.  Then I'll nap on her bed and have a good snore.
What's that? WOOF!
Could it be her car door?
"I'm home!" she called. "I've been to the store."
"There's something for you. Come over here, please.
Have a carrot, some broccoli, some squash, a few peas."
"No peas?" said my mistress. "I should have known."
Then she reached in a bag.............


As my experiences I found our Taipei county library sorted Tomie's book by many ways and that made me waste a lot of time to collect all his pictures together at least 6 hours. What can I say? Like as the librarians  detroied the cover page by sticker.........it always on the wrong place?

 我喜歡這幾本書,有Strega Nona (Grandma Witch), The Knight and the dragon, Andy, Tomie每本書幾乎都是快樂的結局,他的幽默其實很溫馨,寫自己的故事,家人的故事,甚少有寫自己當時小朋友與自己爺爺奶奶的故事....讀完了Tomie許多大作(目前78歲仍在創作),希望Tomie能夠繼續帶給所有大小朋友歡樂.


Andy That's my name 很有趣的拼字練習的故事
Well, what do we do now?
Can I play?
No! You're too little~
Hey Gang! Look!  (ANDY)
That's my name...
Here kid! (Take out D & Y)
Okay! Everybody make a word!
Can I have my name back now?
Put this at the end.  (D)
Wait just a minute!
You won't let me play, so I'm going to take my name and go home!
I may be little, but I'm very important (ANDY)....then every single word fell down!

Cloudy with a chance of meatballs

2010 hot movie "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs"食破天驚,改編自同名繪本"Cloudy with a chance of meatballs" written by Judy Barret and Drawn by Ron Barrett

想一想如果食物可以自己從天上掉下來,該是多美好的事情呀...每天都有不同的新口味,早午晚餐都可以吃到不一樣的食物,媽媽也不用自己煮菜,太棒了,更不用被小朋友嫌棄天天吃一樣的菜色....怎麼想都是一個好主意....直到天上掉下來的食物不再是大家所期望的那該怎麼辦呢??引人入勝的故事情節(雖然故事封面沒有很吸引我,但是讀下去後覺得超有趣的呢~)如果你可以結合電影讓孩子觀賞,其實很不錯耶!(From Youtube part1, part2, and you can find part 3...4...)

On the way home

或是奇遇,知名作家的繪本如英國超現實派插畫家Anthony Browne
安東尼布朗的"The tunnel", 日本林明子的"森林迷藏王", 英國John
Burningham約翰伯明罕的"The boy who was always late"都有好
多的冒險及趣味,當然我今天介紹給小朋友的"On the way home"
by Jill Murphy可是讓我相當有"fu"的呢~

Story : On the way home by Jill Murphy
Claire the girl who had a bad knee cause she fell
down from swing in the playground but she met friends, she
told them not only one version interesting stories of the
fantastic adventure. (We knew that were all her imaginations.)

1. Preview the cover page, teach the animal's name/sound
Do/copy the actions.....
2. Practice the Q&A :
Q: "What do you see in the picture?
A: "I see a/an _____(animal's name or....)
If the kids speak English well, you can ask single S to come
in front of book and point out what he saw then all Ss ask
the Q, the single S answers and do the action.
(or make the sound). If they were not, you can make Q then Ss make A.
3. Don't forget to make the gesture of Claire about the word
"Well~~~~" When I said that, all kids knew that another funny
animal would be show up then they liked to copy my prounciation
of it.

甘巴爹....米那桑, Enjoy the story...oh...no, the adventure.

P.S. Jill Murphy's books
The worst witch series
A piece of cake
Five mintues' peace
A quite night in

Big Chickens Fly the Coop

Big Chickens Fly the Coop by Leslie Helakoski/illustrated by Henry Cole (翻譯\摘自網路)



挺有趣的,不過形容詞超多的,因為要押韻....讀的有點吃力,哈哈,找來了James練習,果真念起來有韻味多了....你也可以試試~Enjoy yourself!

The Lamb Who Came to Dinner

The Lamb Who Came to Dinner Steve Smallman/Joelle Dreidemy

Imagine the big bad wolf has also a soft heart???? There is a little lamb who knock the wolf's door and asks " Can I come in? just because the cold weather....." Was she not afraid of the big bad wolf??? But she was shivering with cold and the old wolf hate any "frozen food" or "rumbling tummy lamb" What do they both think about? The wold gave the lamb food over and over and the lamb feels warm and friendly from the old wolf. when they try to figure out the hiccup, everything they tried are failed then the lamb fell to sleep and snoring...... What will the old wolf do to the little lamb? Is it a good chance to eat it up or take a bite? No...The wolf didn't eat the little lamb but gave her a warm sweater and asked him to leave....Is it the end of the story? Of course not, the wolf is continuing worry about the little lamb " She might get lost!", "She might get frozen!", "She might get eaten! "????????? He regreted what he had done. He went out and looked for the little lamb. Finally he found the little lamb and gave her a big hug.....Lovely!

2012年10月15日 星期一

Not Now, Bernard

Not Now, Bernard

David McKee, one of the most increatable picture books authors as known in the world. The mom and dad that he described in the book were just like you and me with no doubting. 

We always said "Not now" to the kids and careless about their reactions, not even took a look of them. Oh, my gosh, Bernard was eaten by monster but no one found it! Mom is still busy for painting the wall and Dad is reading the newspapers......the monster feels bored and lonely without parents' notice. What should the monster say to Mom? "I'm really really a monster! not Bernard!" but Mom still feels nothing changed?

It's a very interesting book and I can see Dad and Mom always closed their eyes when they talked to their kids (incl. Bernald and monster).....You might be can find more points connecting to yourself?

James, don't become a monster, I will be always there when you need me!

Warthods paint

Warthogs paint ~ A messy color book

Have you ever seen any Africa warthogs before? Are they cute? I don't think so! Pamela D. Edwards and Henry Cole (illustrated) created a happy warthog family (although I could not recongize which is which?) I mean, Pamela didn't tell us who is who but we know all of them are tired of warthog play. What can they do in such a rainy day? Someone got an idea!! "Why don't we start to paint our wall with warthog art? You must not hear about warthod art? I think that means "Without any rules and do what you want to do."

I like they all enjoyed their paints after a lot of hard work (or play), you can see the rainbow and sun shine on the wall. Everyone can get a cup of special cocktail drink just like in the summer time~ Hooray~

If you want to tell a story about color, this definately is the 2nd choice and do you remember that I had introduced you the other one " Deep in the blue sea" that is supposed to No.1. (you can find it from my website)

2012年10月14日 星期日

Grumpy Cat

Do you like to keep a cat? Not me!

 I don't know why I just prefer dogs to cats. Perhaps I  had been scaried by cats before? Most of the story books about cats are so cute and lovely.

When I took this from a pile of story books , "Grumpy Cat" is not really my favor topic because I don't like cats.  Anyway, the cover page is totally attracted me, looked at the grumpy cat, I really feel his angry.....and innocence~

If you are alone now, you can read this book then you will firmly feel the friendship between you and the cat. I like the picture, simple but you can easy to understand the story by every movement. Enjoy it.

Hooray for fish!

What is the most joyful time for the little fish?

Swim with Little Fish and meet all his fishy friends in this splishy, splashy riot of color and rhyme under the sea is quite fun. And I heard the little fish is very popular in Japan!!

Hooray for Fizi! is an animated series based on the enormously successful picture book Hooray for Fish! by acclaimed British children's author Lucy Cousins, famous for the Maisy series.

Here is the introduction of this little fish named "Fizi" from website:

"Fizi lives happily with his mother in a coral house. Everyday events and activities give rise to the adventures of Fizi and his friends, which form the focus for each episode. Some of Fizi's adventures include counting the bubbles erupting from a crater, making friends with a crab in Ms. Penny's coral kindergarten, and surfing the swirling ocean currents. Sometimes he even ventures further afield, where he meets new fishy friends and encounters new adventures. Fizi's underwater world is filled with fun and excitement.

This animated series teaches children the importance of application, caring for others, helpfulness and team-work."

All my kids in kindergarton and 3rd graders love this story, how about you?

1. Where is the little fish? Finding it from each page.
2. Eye fish? Sky fish? Ele-fish? Create your own fish!

2012年8月28日 星期二

Splat the cat

Splat the Cat    by Rob Scotton   (picture by website)

Do you like the story book  "Russell the sheep"?Yes! I do! I do love the animal style of the author Rob Scotton's Russell who had a little bit lazy, cute and smart...
but how about the cat "Splat"?? Is he smart? cute? or lazy? Guess what.....all of them plus "crazy"....
You can also find his particular shaped tail....

Many excuses for Splat not to cat school..... "I have no clean socks","I'm having a bad
hair today, "The front door  won't let me out", "The gate won't let go of my fingers..."
No one will believe that kind of bad reasons....specially for mom.

Splat finally went to school with his pet mouse stayed in his lunchbox and it was really
causing a big mess in the classroom since a cat raised a mouse as pet?????? Everyone...
no...no...every cat can't believe that, they all did what cat should do....."chasing mouse",
but Splat won't let them hurt his pet....then, guess what happened to next?

Crazy story, right?

Jack Frost

Jack Frost    by Kazuno Kohara (picture and text by website)

If you lived in a house in the woods and all your friends were hibernating
you'd probably hate winter, just like this little boy. But one day a strange
spiky figure appears and transforms the boy's world into a winter
wonderland! How long will the magic spell last?
If you can draw pictures well, you can teach your children to pick one page which they like. Choice one dark blue paper and use white color then enjoy it. I like Jack Frost's face, did you see all his feelings on the face, including anger, cheer, happiness, smile......I wish I had a winter friend like him.

2012年8月27日 星期一

Hide and snake

Hide and Snake   by Keith Baker (picture by website)

Do you have a friend like as the snake? Hey, Keith Baker's good friend, Snake, like to play the hide and seek with all friends.
Here we go....

It's a game book for children, you can find a toy snake and play the real hide and seek or there is a very creative English teacher who taught us to let our kids draw some kinds of different article, ice cream, rainbows, umbrellas, book and etc...then you can told the kids to creat their own snake from inside the picture. Don't forget ot let the other kids to guess "Where is my snake?" BTW, you can
cut the snake shape from each picture.....It must be very funny.

Bee Frog

Bee Frog  Martin Waddell illustrated by Barbara Firth
(picture by website)

如果你有不只1個小孩,你能夠有夠多的時間去瞭解每個小孩的訴求及真正的需要嗎???我想答案一定是"NO",對不對??? As I know, kids are not only angels but also evils. Sometime when you just want a liitle bit free time to take a rest, they never set you free! They like to draw your attention or notice but we are always busy~

Bee Frog is the little frog in his family so she likes to be a firece, scary dragon...
but dad and mommy are too busy to notice. They don't even notice when Bee
Frog hops away to practice her dragon noises all by herself....

You know, sometimes kids just like to leave their  home then suddenly they
feel a little lonely.....like as Bee Frog~

Maybe this story can be a drama. And, we can creat the fog dance for kids~
hop, hop,hop.....I like it.

The pig in the pond

The pig in the pond     Martin Waddell   illustrated by Jill Barton

When I first read this book, I really had a great time then  I also introduced it to my Bible teacher who had the same feelings!
It's quite easy to read aloud to children and encoruage them to chime in on the many words, phrases, and animal sounds that are repeated throughout the story.

Specially, I like the pig's dancing for 6 steps:
1. rose from the ground
2. turn around
3. and around
4. stamping her feet
5. and twirling her tail
6.and "SPLASH" (jumped into the pond)
Then Splash... Splash... Splash... Splash... Splash... Splash...Oh, my,
The farmer Neligan came back and...
1. took off his hat
2. took off his pants and boots
3. took off his shirt
4. took off his underwear and...
5. and "SPLASH" (joined the pond)

Look at the ducks and the geese were splashed out off the pond....
Sooooooo...coooooool~ isn't it?

2012年5月14日 星期一

I'm the biggest thing in the ocean

Who is the biggest kid in this class?then "the smallest one?"
What is the biggest thing on the land? then "the smallest thing?"

What is the  biggest thing in the ocean  by Kevin Sherry
"I'm a GIANT squid and I'm BIG."
I'm bigger than these shrimp.
I'm bigger than these clams.
I'm bigger than this crab.
I'm bigger than that shark (shhhhh!)
I'm the biggest thing in the OCEAN!

but.....what happen next?


1. warm up: song " Where is thumbkin?"
2. Q & A (as above mentioned)
3. Story
4. game: 2 Ss 猜拳, 輸的一方雙腳要張開比勝方大一點,再猜拳,


Little chicken's big day

Little chicken's big day   by Katie Davis and Jerry Davis

"For this plucky little chick, the world is an amazing place.
So when his mama hurries him along on a big day out,
little chicken falls behind. Soon he finds himself feeling
a tiny lost and a tadless plucky. Happily, his mama is
always just a cluck away. "

相當簡短的故事but for幼稚園剛剛好,Hey瞧瞧母G龐大的身影,
突然飛來了一隻蝴蝶(會不會又是monkey puzzle那一隻??),小G
一個閃神沒聽到母G喊著hold my hand~ stay close....竟然轉身跟著
特寫,只聽到背後傳來熟悉的聲音...Little Chiiiiiiiiiiiiiiicken!嘿嘿
So beautiful............(接下去自己找書看囉...)

monkey puzzle

Monkey puzzle 小猴子找媽媽~Julia Donaldson

英語繪本Monkey Puzzle,看看每一個族群的反應
賴呀!!(picture from website)

Storytelling Procedures:
1. warm up ~ 5 little monkeys are jumping on the bed
    use the f fingers as monkeys, other palm as bed.
2. story
3. game1: water pipe for messages transferring.
    Give 1 water pipe for each 1 Ss team (6 Ss) line
    T print out and whisper a word message to the first Ss
    then pass one by one. Last Ss speak out loud the word.
    game2: use the body language to pass the "secret animal"
    to team members, one by one, then show the answer.
3. Discuss about what animal's baby is different from her mother?

2012年3月13日 星期二




A1. Fri    海山204
A2: Wed 海山百合班
A3:Fri     海高月亮班
A4:Thur  海山513

B1. Tue  新北市圖少年小說/繪本創意活動課
B2. Tue  英文查經
B3. Thur 禮茿英語繪本課

C1. Mon 天母婦女中心 親子閱讀
C2. Thur 爾雅讀書會 (隔2周)

D1. 新北市政風處推廣閱讀
D2. 重慶國小讀書會
D3. 英閱會讀書會salon

2012年3月12日 星期一

pigs can't fly

Pigs can't fly    by Ben Cort 



至於活動的設計,我想可以利用動物的特徵及特長來發揮喔....待我努力的發想在上 傳囉!!

Madeline at the White House

Story and pictures by John Bemelmans Marciano (摘要取自內書頁介紹)

Do you hear about the story of Madeline? Today, she will visit a very special place out of her country with the other 11 girls. Where is it? Guess!

Madeline and friends are off to enjoy a wonderful American adventure. The White House in Washington, D.C., is their destination, where they are the guests of he president's lonely only daughter for the annual Easter Egg Roll. Cake and ice cream, dress-up game, and scary stories told in the dark are capped off by a magical nighttime tour of the capital's most famous landmarks, before it's time for the twelve little girls in two straight lines to say, "Au revoir", America!"

Madeline與其他11位小女孩一起出國拜訪美國總統的女兒,一位總是孤單的在白宮裡上課或是玩耍的小女孩Candle...but Madeline帶來了驚喜!"一隻可愛的兔子"加入了她們的假期~接下來的Easter celebration可是超級棒的~不論是找蛋的遊戲還是好吃的冰淇淋派,巧克力蛋糕....wow!讓每個人都吃到要鬧肚子啦...

最後一夜Madeline與Candle在房裡大開party,玩變裝遊戲或是玩玩撲克牌,恐怖遊戲等等....但是分離的時刻總是要到來,Candle不捨Madeline離開,魔術師小兔子施魔法,櫻花花瓣載大家,飛到美麗星空下,直到太陽來報到~Madeline與Candel趕快回到家,因為保鑣和修女找不到她們,急得已快瘋啦!!原來她們一起在Madeline的床上睡著啦!! (全文讀起來也是押韻的喔~Ivy試著在最後一段文中使用韻文方式呈現)希望好朋友們喜歡呀! (picture by website)
Madeline at the White House

2012年3月11日 星期日

Froggy's Halloween

Every kid likes Halloween! Specially the froggy who should be super frog, faster than a dragonfly, stronger than a bullfrog......Halloween meant candy, but it also meant dressing up. Froggy wondered,"What should I be for Halloween?"


Froggy的系列書很多,這本Froggy's Halloween,說出了小朋友期待Halloween的心情,
每個人都想要精心的打扮好成為同學羨慕的焦點.....當然也可以要到最多的糖果呀~Froggy最後到底打扮要比牛蛙強壯還要能飛的夠高的? 到底是甚麼呢??
Froggy`s Halloween (點選看原圖)

2012年3月7日 星期三

Pete's a pizza

Ha, I like the story told about recipe or food, here is the one! Pete's a pizza~ I like the idea from Pete's father, he is such humorous, not only cheered the boy up and they had a wonderful funny time together, specially in rainy day.

Last Friday, I introduced this book to 海高附幼...and the activities were recorded as below:
1. warm up: Recognize the shapes, circle, triangle, rectangle, diamond, square, heart and oval.
You can play a lot shape games with body movements, like as "Who can make a circle by your body parts? You will find their creations, they can use fingers, palms or legs to do it.

2. story: Discussed the different type, shapes, favor, ingredients of  pizza. Then, tell the story. I ask Ss to help father roll the dough. right and left, up  and own, hard and soft...then put what they ordered fruit, vegetable, meat, ham or seafood and then put it into the oven and shared to everyone.

3. game: Pizza rolling challenge  ~ boys & girls
    2 Ss as a team, 1 is the dough and the other is the cook, then the cook must roll  
    the dough on the floor.....see which dough is rolling fast than the other.

You can see everyone try very hard to roll on the floor without pushing to win the game....Finally~the winner is boys team....Congulations! I know, they love the story~

Here is the contents from Youtub for reference~ (all from website)
1.Pete’s a pizza
2.Pizza song

和您的寶貝來玩--Let’s make a pizza
1.Find a dough (pretend some in you hand)
2.Roll it
3.Put into some water, salt
4.Roll it and race it.
5.Make a pizza. (put anything your kid wants)

The perfect nest

Oh, my~ 今天可是海小百合班搬家後第一次說故事, 我特別選了一本跟"家"有關的英語繪本"The perfect nest" Catherine Friend, illustrated by John Manders.別具意義喔!!

The perfect nest 顧名思義即知是某種"鳥or家禽"最理想的家=巢nest.......but這可是由不懷好意的貓-Jack所辛苦打造與裝潢~有非常舒適的稻草及軟墊加上七彩的燈泡點綴,不消說一定會吸引眾多禽鳥前來一探究竟的,但是到底Jack為什麼會這樣好心的幫禽鳥們打造美麗的家呢????是不是有甚麼壞主意呢?故事中,母雞首先出現了,覺得很不錯,住下來生了個小雞蛋...誰知母鴨也來了,這麼棒的家誰不愛呀,她也要住下來,把母雞推出去,生下個中鴨蛋......最後鵝媽媽也聞風而至,太美妙了,我也要住下來,把母鴨給踢下去..生了個大鵝蛋....大家都爭先恐後想要佔上風~Jack想了想~壞了...我本來是想要拿蛋來作歐姆蛋早餐,午餐還有晚餐...我該怎麼辦才可以把他們都趕走呀???傑克到底會使出甚麼計策才能拿到蛋呢?後續又會有甚麼發展呢??

(picture by website)

2012年2月17日 星期五

The first story for kidergarden

"The very busy spider" by Eric Carle (picture by web)

I love Eric Carle specially a.m. story which spider works hard and calm.
 No matter horse, sheep....or rooster invites her to play together, she
 doesn't answer and keep spinning her web.


story activities
1. warming up : ask Ss what they did during the Chinese new year vacation.
2. key words: spider + man, super + man, bat + man, spin the web
3. storytelling
4. song: the itsy weesy spider
5. game: rubber bands x 80 (make 4 lines)
    5-1 invite 8 Ss and each one hold each end of one rubber band as a web
    5-2 other Ss can crawl or jump to past the rubber band
    (this is the simple game, u can change the web structure and have fun.)